“We’re responsible for the building, the equipment, and everyone in it.

It’s an eight hour shift, and a 24/7 job: we’re busy handling the tenants’ requests all day, and fixing problems that always seem to happen on nights and weekends. We’re so busy with all the day-to-day tasks, where do we find the time to make the building more sustainable and profitable?”

inteliGlas delivers outcomes that matter to building engineers and technicians:

Health and Productivity

  • Occupant self-service tools reduce time spent by engineers responding to routine requests such as ‘too-hot/cold’
  • Remote monitoring/analytics reduce number of after-hours trips to the building to investigate alarms
  • Integrated data and analytics reduce time spent on reports

Mitigating Risk

  • Fully instrumented systems “keeps guys off ladders” and improves safety
  • Multiple security layers reduce potential of cybersecurity issues that originate in the building’s systems
  • Analytics and real-time alerts detect emerging problems before they cause expensive damage and interruptions
  • Automatically adjusting building systems for ‘outlier conditions’ such as extreme heat/cold prevents equipment failures and improves tenant experience

Economic Value

  • Engineers spend more time on value-adding activities for the property
  • A single building management platform enables a single master engineer to monitor and manage an entire portfolio of buildings
  • Accurate Runtime Tracking enables cost-effective preventive maintenance with fewer unscheduled repairs
  • Telemetry & Trend Analytics enable vendors to reduce trips and pack-the-truck with required parts on their first site visit


  • Enables engineers of older buildings to achieve ‘modern’ levels of sustainability and energy efficiency
  • Full Range of Control Options enable engineers to incorporate their knowledge and preferences into inteliGlas’ operation, from 100% engineer-controlled to 100% autonomous